Friday, December 11, 2009

There's nothing wrong with living loud. Let it


This morning I got up and helped the boys get ready for school, and ate breakfast with them and such, then Jill drove them. I lazied around in my room for a half hour then showered and got on with my day. I picked the boys up from school, we ate leftover spaghetti for lunch, then we made our very own alphabet train just like the one from Blue's Clues. (I really have been with children for too long...) Of course, the one we made is paper and is hanging by strings on the wall in their room now! I went to class. I made homemade pizza things on bread like I did the last time there was no other quick supper ideas for the boys and I because Jill and Fred went out.



Today was pretty uneventful. I was supposed to go to class, but my teacher isn't feeling well. Spaghetti and meatballs for supper.....



Today, I slept in! I made a 3D Christmas globe puzzle and hung it on the tree. On the box it said not suitable for children ages 6 and under, so Jill let me make it. I also ate 2 clementines. Jill is taking me and the boys to Montpellier for some touring and sights to see. Christina has agreed to come on out adventure with us. Then, I will go shop around while I wait for the youth group to start.
We walked around the Christmas market, and got nutella crepes, and they were yummy. Then Christina had to go get some groceries for dinner. Jill the boys and I went walking to some gardens and squares which was nice. I took a few pics. (they are now on Crackbook). I went up to Odysseum to the shopping center while I was waiting for the youth group to start, as Gillian had taken the boys back to the house to feed them dinner.
While I was on the tramway some couple sucked each other's faces off for the whole time I was on. This ride is approximately 20 minutes, and they came up for air MAYBE 3 times. Narsty...



I didn't fall asleep until 3:30am. Bugger. I listened to music and did my nails, and thought about Christmas. I was in a relatively good mood! I walked to get the boys. On my way I returned a library book that I never even opened. The boys wanted P.B.&J sandwiches which made my day 98% easier.
For dinner, Jill cooked some sort of fried rice with eggs and ham and peas and, well, rice. It was really good. I talked to Mom, and Dad and uncle Ross by means of internet.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


This morning, was not feeling well, but had the morning off until 12:30 for myself. I ended up just lazing around and watched Friends. I had the boys all afternoon. They napped for most of it, and I told myself I'd relax, but also ended up having a short nap. Then we colored and Jill showed up early from work. Only half of her class had been there, and she's also not feeling well, and so she let them go early. Then her student that she tutors English for came and I had the boys up in their room playing with trains and coloring.
Then, I took a bath and listened to Coldplay on my little speakers and read from my Julia Child book.



This morning I went to church with the family, but we got there late, and there were hardly any seats left, so I sat by myself at the back and thought too much about my life. I couldn't concentrate on the guest speaker, who spoke very fast and unclear for me. I had some nice talks with people afterwards, and then went to town with Laura and Sandra. Fred's Christmas staff party was that afternoon, and so they were all going because Santa Claus was there and blow up rides and such. Us girls went out to Cafe Riche for yumminess, and then walked around the outdoor Christmas market. It was really crowded, and didn't have a whole lot to do with Christmas, but it was still nice at the same time.



This morning I slept in until after 10, and then went downstairs to see that everyone was decorating for Christmas in their jammies! :) I helped untangle lights, and then helped out with decorating it too. Ben, Alex and I made banana chocolate chip loaf (which was REALLY good, it tasted like Mom's). Then, Fred and Jill wanted to go someplace where they were going to buy a wall fan for over the oven from people who they found that had an add online. It was near the beach, so we all went, picked up the fan, and then took a stroll. We went up this tower that let you see for miles around too. It was very cool.
Fred and Jill went out for dinner with another couple from church, and so I fed the boys, and then got them ready for bed. We read stories and colored and then they went to sleep. I went all OCD on my room again, and cleaned it.


Ellen arrives in 11 days :)
I was off all morning, but didn't do much. I crocheted and chilled out in my room, as I was very tired and not feeling so swell. After Jill got back from work, I took the car to my class. We ate pizza for supper and then after the boys went to sleep Fred, Jill and I watched Ratatouille. (WOW, WE'RE COOL!)

Dec. 3:

I really can't believe it's December 3rd. Time is starting to go by faster, although I feel like I've been here a million years. Some man came to fix the shutters today. I offered him some coffee, because it was freezing out. I ate 2 oranges today. TWO! I cleaned up my room while listening to Sufjan Stevens' Christmas album.
This evening I hung out with Laura, and we went to Cafe Riche for dinner, then went to a pub to meet the Agape people. There was a discussion about philosophy vs. theology going about. It was actually a really interesting time.
I didn't fall asleep until after 3am. Darn cold.